Monday, March 22, 2010

Green Algae in the Drug Industry?

As we reflect on how important it is that our drugs and vaccines are grown in culture cells of yeast and mammalian cells we also realize how expensive it is. Even before production begins of cells to make medicine researches must invest over $600 million to build a facility that can make them. The facilities have to be sterile and the mammalian cell cultures are difficult to make and maintain. So before a drug is even tested huge amount of money is already used up. In the article, Drug Production Gets Aquatic by Lauren Gravitz, the author discusses how using green algae, more specifically, Clamydomonas reinhardtii, can be used to make the industry more cost effective.
For green algae to grow and maintain itself all it needs is light and carbon dioxide from the air. Unlike mammalian cell cultures which needs expensive food for maintaining itself. The green algae is also better at folding the proteins it creates for medicine. Whereas the mammalian culture cells are not as effective in doing requiring an additional process. It was quoted that the cost of one gram of Tysabri, a drug for multiple sclerosis, is about $150, whereas at the rate the green algae makes it, it is approximately a nickel. The only drawback to algae is that it does not add a sugar to the end of the protein which helps the absorption of it into the body. This sugar is not always needed and if it is needed the green algae can be manipulated into doing so, like yeast was. This is a very valuable area of research that can prove to lower prices of drugs for everyone.

Quantum Dots

Everywhere around us there is complicated technology at work. In the most unlikely places will one find complex mechanism at work. For example in the article Quantum Dot Camera Phones by Kate Greene she explains the use of Quantum dots in camera phones. One does not fully understand how complicated it is for a phone to take pictures. The quantum dots are a semiconductor which are twice as efficient than the silicon used in camera phones in use. The quantum dots collect light and converts it to electricity to make a picture. When a quantum does this the picture is neither grainy or dark. The best part about the quantum dots is that the process to make them and implement them is neither a significant or costlier change from silicon.
The promise of these quantum dots can also be transferred into medical imaging. The quantum dots can make a magnificent picture with very little effort. If fully implemented it could change the world of medical imaging. This would better allow doctors to see problems more clearly and treat them more effectively. This research is very valuable to look into.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cancer Marker

In the article Multipurpose Molecule for Cancer Surgery the author Lauren Gravitz talks about a protein marker that could be used in treating cancer patients. The marker was created to help surgeons remove cancerous tissue from patients. The protein is made up of two parts. The first part of the molecule gets cut off when in the presence of cancerous tissue. By it getting cut off the second part of the molecule is able to freely enter the tissue of the patient. This labeled protein then fluoresces green. While operating the surgeons would be able to see this fluorescent green and use it as a marker of how much tissue they should remove.
This breakthrough however does not mean it is one hundred percent working. This only helps surgeons find out how much tissue they can remove not how cancer can be treated. This also does not leave out the possibility that some cancer will go unnoticed. For smaller masses of cancerous tissue may not light up as bright as a much larger mass will thus critically affect the surrounding tissue with lower concentration of cancer. The scientists have thought of a way to kill the surrounding tissue that is not in effect yet however. They want to add a third chain that is toxic when hit upon with white light. With this all the tissue that was not removed would be destroyed by the toxin. This does show promise in the removal of cancer and is one step closer to helping the human population fight cancer.