Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cain and Notation

I found the article by Cain to be very interesting. The data shows how society in entirety is not reading books or anything anymore. I believe this shift to be a cause of TV and the internet. The internet provides people with all the information they need instead of reading to find it out. TV provides the entertainment that people crave instead of the entertainment they had found in books for ages past. Time will only tell what will happen to books and articles for the age of pen and paper are falling behind where the age of electronics is taking over.

The notation system is something i have not used yet. I have my own system that has worked for me and I am reluctant to try a newer system.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why am I interested in being a Biomedical Engineer?

Ever since I was young I always loved building things with legos. I would buy a pack of legos and let my imagination run wild. I would create objects from space ships to castles. When I was young I always wanted to help people also. I would watch doctor programs and learn how to treat wounds and prevent infections. I would learn how to diagnose sickness and other health issues. While I was growing up and trying to decide what major I wanted I was lost in a loop. I wanted to be an engineer because I loved building things but I also wanted to be a doctor because I loved helping sick and injured people. When talking to my councilor she suggested for me to look into biomedical engineering. So I went home and followed her advice and looked it up. Too my surprise it was the combination of both being an engineer and a doctor. I would be able to combine my passions of both building things and helping those who needed help at once.

The field I am most interested in is with nanotechnology. Nanotechnology can revolutionize medicine by having nanobots deliver medicine directly to the area ailed. This is especially important to cancer patients. The nanobots could apply chemotherapy directly to the cancerous area. More information of nanobots and nanotechnology can be found here: